Domestic Violence

The California legislature has enacted specific laws that prohibit violence or threats of violence against a current or former spouse, cohabitant or intimate partner.  Upon a call for service, law enforcement is required to make an arrest of the party they believe to be most responsible. Such determinations by law enforcement are not always accurate, and require careful investigation and legal analysis. When someone is charged with domestic violence, it is important that they follow the terms of any temporary restraining order that may have been issued at the time of arrest. Failure to abide by such an order can result in additional criminal charges. 

These offenses may also result in undesirable civil consequences, including the denial of professional licensure, civil liability, and even deportation if an accused person is not a United States Citizen. Mr. Hanley has extensive experience successfully representing persons charged with domestic violence offenses. He will work to take your case to trial, requiring the prosecution to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, or to reach a favorable settlement that would avoid adverse criminal and civil consequences.