Theft Crimes

Theft crimes involve the unauthorized taking, or attempting to take someone else’s property. However, the severity of theft crimes can vary depending on the crime at hand. California state law divides theft into two classifications: petty theft and grand theft. 

Petty theft encompasses all theft crimes that involve the unauthorized taking of a person’s property, as long as the value of the property is under $950, the property was not taken directly from another person (i.e. robbery or mugging), and the property stolen was not a gun or automobile. 

Grand theft is a more serious charge involving the unauthorized taking of a person’s property valued over $950, or property stolen was taken directly from another person without force or fear.  

Talking to a lawyer when dealing with a theft crime is extremely important, as they are considered crimes of moral turpitude, meaning this certain crime does not look favorable on your record. Michael Hanley specializes in theft crime cases, having worked on hundreds of cases alike. Call Michael today if you or a loved one have been charged with a theft crime. You need a knowledgeable lawyer to advise you and protect your future.